Saturday, November 16, 2013

From Nature: "The fireball on film" - Chelyabinsk

Video from Nature:

"In February 2013, an asteroid smashed into earth near the town of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The event was captured on film by hundreds of local people and the resulting videos soon found their way onto YouTube. Now, scientists are using the data which they can extract from these videos to study the asteroid."

more details:  here

Monday, November 4, 2013

Beaujolais (Part 2: Falls)

Following our first trip to Beaujolais, here is the sequel - this time we were invited by our friend to enjoy autumn colors of vineyards. A very nice place at this time of the year... 

For the first time in our lives we collected a full bag of grapes, put them into a kitchen-machine and had the best fresh grape juice ever! Strongly recommended!

 Home-food from our great host - mmm, it was so yammy!

Actually, there are hectares and hectares of vineyards full of grapes, which belong to no one at this time of the year, since the harvesting season is already over.